There are approximately 300 reports which are available as standard reports. These reports can be used as a basis for configuring your own reports.
You are able to design your own fully customised reports. This includes adding in your own calculated fields and even using SQL to extract data from the database.
You can create Pivot Table type reports without the hassle of exporting the data to a spreadsheet.
Configuring an ERP solution for your business can be complex and challenging. Omni Accounts & ERP can provide a variety of solutions tailored to your budget and requirements.
Ask one of our Sales Consultants to give you a “no strings attached” Demo and chat about your needs.
Omni Business for a medium-sized business. The starting point for ERP.
Business Pro
Business Pro is suitable for a more established business that requires more ERP functionality.
The Omni Accounts Enterprise Bundle is suitable for businesses requiring sophisticated accounting and ERP controls with advanced management information.